Philly Flair
"ARE YOU.... READY FOR IT?" BY Stephanie Ortiz Taylor Swift's coming to town for the Eras Tour this weekend, leaving three nights in Nashville and all...
Seng Tiong Ho on Problems Solved by Photonic Integrated Circuits
Seng Tiong Ho, a research professor, explores the problem-solving capabilities of photonic integrated circuits in more detail.
Justin Tuohey Discusses the Impact of Yoga on Healing
Justin Tuohey, a fitness professional, discusses how yoga poses can help promote holistic healing within the body (and mind).
Buddy Schum of Bucks County Discusses the Challenges of Multi-Tasking
Buddy Schum of Bucks County, a former committee leader in Philadelphia, discusses multi-tasking and its effects on productivity, creativity, and well-being.
Marketing Expert Nicholas Bereznai Provides an Instagram Marketing Overview
As a trusted digital marketing expert, Nicholas Bereznai of Durham is often asked whether or not social media marketing is worth the effort. Like...
Scott Spinella of Delaware Discusses the Impact of Influential Rock Musicians
Scott Spinella of Delaware, a guitarist in a local rock band, discusses rock music through the decades, and some of influential musicians in popular culture.
Keith Hovan on AI Considerations for Healthcare Settings
Keith A. Hovan, a healthcare CEO, addresses considerations for healthcare providers and leaders as the industry navigates AI technology.
Thomas Cothren of Fresh Start Discuses Holistic Approaches to Wellness: A...
Thomas Cothren of Fresh Start, who works in the mental health industry, discusses the health connection between body, mind, and spirit.
Debra Mercora, Superintendent in NJ Discusses the Benefits Introducing a Secondary...
Debra Mercora, a Superintendent in NJ, explores why introducing a secondary language in education is so important.
IN THE THROWS OF A HEALTH CRISIS? PART III By Stephanie Ortiz You thought you could get through this illness alone? Not on my watch. I'm...