Ready, Set, GO!!!

Training for a 10 miler, such as the Philly Broad Street Run can be tricky if you are not a seasoned runner. To help you through the training process, I have created a training program for beginner or immediate runners. To prevent overtraining or injuries, the program has included cross training days, along with multiple rest days, and only running 3-4 days per week.

2023 is the 40th year the Broad Street Run will travel through the city. One change this year is the race will be a weekend early from tradition years, with the race happening on Sunday, April 30th. It is the largest 10 miler in the US!

The route starts in north Philadelphia and will run 10 miles south, ending in the parking lot by the stadiums.

2023 is the first year since the Covid Pandemic that the run will welcome back 40,000 participants and have no health restrictions. For those of you who didn’t get in the lottery this year or you want to run on a trail, there is a virtual option! Virtual registration is still open for anyone interested, but will close March 28th. And if you are like some people who don’t want to spend money on a race, but still want to run, pick a course on the road, trail, or treadmill and run with us April 30th to feel connected to the Broad Street runners. For registration or more information visit the Board Street Run website here www.broadstreetrun.com .

Below you will find a training Program for beginner/intermediate runners: Adjust miles during the week according to fitness level and/or how your body feels. Always listen to your body to prevent injuries. Staying motivated can be hard, so enlist the support of a running club, community, or reach out to me directly.

Easy Run: These will help build your endurance and should be slower by 1-2 minutes than your race pace. If you’re aiming for a 9 minute per mile race pace, your easy runs should be 10-11 minute miles. Adding easy runs to your program are crucial for your endurance training AND to prevent overtraining and staying healthy.

Cross Train: Picking an activity that is unlike running will help train your cardio output, while conditioning other muscles, and preventing overtraining.

Resistance Training: Focus on resistance training that allows for 15-20 reps per exercise. Pick a weight that feels comfortable, yet challenging. Core exercises, such as planks, side planks, Pallof press are all good for runners. Balance and single leg (SL) exercises are important too, since running requires us to be on one leg at a time. Plyometrics or jump training should be including on these days too since running is jumping and landing.

Intervals: Hill repeat days are just that, find a hill and sprint up it, then walk down and repeat. Track/trail/treadmill intervals will focus on specific distance to push hard at a pace faster than race pace, and make sure each interval is the same or close to the same time.

Tempo Runs: These runs will help train your body at a faster pace and last longer before fatigue sets in. Pace should be at race pace or faster. Again, like intervals the goal is to maintain a consistent pace/time for each interval. Unlike intervals, tempo runs do not include walk recovery, but rather jogging at a slower pace to recover.

Jennifer Noll, MS

Running Coach & Restore Movement Owner

[email protected]



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