Each week, we will feature a nominated student athletes of all ages from a local, Philly-area school along with their affiliate group, organization, club or school sports team.
It’s a challenging and rewarding win-win to balance sports and academics, and we want to give a big shout out for those who do!

PF: How old are you?
AS: I’m 6 years old; almost 7.
PF: What school do you go to?
AS: I’m in first grade at Gladwyne Elementary School.
PF: What sports do you play?
AS: I play a lot of sports, actually: Soccer, tennis, golf, softball and I also love to ski.
PF: Wow, that is a lot! Which sport is your favorite?
AS: Soccer is definitely my favorite.
PF: How long have you been playing?
AS: I have been playing for three years and I just started on the travel team this year.
PF: How often do you practice?
AS: I go to practice two times during the week.
PF: What’s your jersey number? Did you get to pick it?
AS: I’m number 20. Yes, I picked my number, but I had to have a few back up options in case I didn’t get my first choice.
PF: Are there any sports that you do that are individual, not a team sport?
AS: The individual sports that I participate in are golf and tennis, and then skiing just for fun.
PF: Do most of your closest friends play sports?
AS: Yes most of my friends play sports.

PF: I bet it’s especially fun when you and your friends are on the same team.
AS: Yes, and when my Mom coaches!
PF: Is anyone in your family athletic?
AS: Yes, my whole family is very athletic, even my dog! My Mom plays golf, paddle, tennis and pickleball; she also coaches my soccer and basketball. My Dad golfs a lot and he coaches Reed’s baseball. My brother Reed plays golf, baseball, basketball and also likes to ski.
PF: Wow, you definitely have an athletic family! You mentioned your dog; I was just about to ask if you have any pets?!
AS: Yes, I have a dog named Wilson. He is a really cute little cockapoo.
PF: Does Wilson play sports with you?
AS: Yes, he always plays baseball and soccer with the me and my brother. He’s really good at both!
PF: Do you love school?
AS: Yes, I love school because my friends are there!
PF: What is your favorite subject?
AS: My favorite subject is ELA (language arts).
PF: Who is your favorite teacher and why?
AS: My favorite teacher of all is Miss Hahn, my first-grade teacher. She is very nice and really fun.
PF: What are your other extracurricular activities?
AS: I really don’t do any other extra activities, right now, just a lot of sports. They’re really fun!
PF: Well, it sounds like they keep you healthy, happy and active for sure!
AS: Yes!

PF: That’s great! Do you plan on playing a sport in college? Which one?
AS: Yes, I would really like to play soccer in college. I haven’t decided yet where I want to go to college; I have a little time to figure that out.
PF: Who is your biggest role model?
AS: My role model is definitely my big brother, Reed.
PF: Who is the best athlete of all time in your opinion and why?
AS: My favorite athlete is Alex Morgan. She is really awesome because she plays soccer and is a mom at the same time.